Quick Guide to Navigating the Healthcare System
Eldercare, 90 Minute Parenting & Relationships Short Reads, Aging Parents
Quick Guide to Navigating the Healthcare System: For Caregivers and Patients is a self-help, educational piece of literature that will help caregivers and patients understand the healthcare system. This guide covers information on Medicare, Medicaid, and mental health services. While this book can be used for any age group, it is geared toward the senior citizen population or adults currently on disability that receive Medicaid services. This book has been strategically worded so that it can be understandable for any reader. A medical social worker created this book to provide insight into things that were seen as difficult to understand from patients or things they did not know.
Connect with the author at https://www.themedicalsocialworker.org/
- CLIENT Kenshara Cravens
- CATEGORY 90 Minute Reads , Elder Care , Parenting , Relationships , Short Reads